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April 2012

  • Six miners in Yunnan hospitalised with symptoms very similar to a SARS-CoV-2 infection after catching coronavirus strain RaTG13/CoV4991. Three miners died. Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers collected tissue samples, and later visited the caves to acquire more material.

October 2014

  • US government funding of gain-of-function research that makes viruses more dangerous, pending further risk assessment.

November 2015

  • Research into a lab-made coronavirus related to SARS-CoV debate over whether the pandemic potential was worth the risk.

December 2017

  • NIH funding of Gain-of-Function research.

March 2018

  • EcoHealth Alliance submits proposal to DARPA to insert furin cleavage sites into SARS-CoV viruses to more efficiently bind to human cells